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The COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented disruption in education. According to UNESCO, more than 32 crore students in India have been affected. 

While schools and colleges remain closed, many institutions are working to adopt an LMS – an online platform that enables remote teaching and learning with virtual classrooms. An LMS not only provides teachers with tools to continue teaching, it also simplifies student learning experience. 

 For Teachers

LMS enables teachers to convert lessons delivered in class to online lessons, They can use different formats including word documents, PowerPoint presentations, audio, and graphics. They can also use YouTube videos and other online assets in their lessons. They can organize their lessons into courses and deliver them according to a planned schedule. 

Teachers can enroll students in their class and mark attendance. LMS enables them to monitor performance – create assignments with due dates, and then check and grade assignments submitted online by students. It further enables assessment with quizzes.

For Students

LMS enables students to connect with teachers, from any device, desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone.  Attend virtual classrooms, discuss with teachers and other students, and ask questions. They can also review recorded video lectures later on at their own pace. Students can then submit their assignments and view their grades.

It is important to keep students engaged to minimize absenteeism. To keep the students engaged, LMS’s offer messaging with copies to parents, live chat, and live video conferencing.


If further enables collaboration and team projects among students with group tools like discussion forums, blogging, and wiki.


Learning management systems enable teaching and learning outside the classrooms. They offer various tools for teachers to create lessons, share resources, setup assignments and quizzes. Students can continue learning from any device, submit assignments, communicate and collaborate with their teachers and fellow students.